Moving Forward with Cash in Haiti

On October 6th, 2016, category 4 Hurricane Matthew touched Haitian soil and left in its wake more than 1.4 million people in need of urgent assistance. The humanitarian community quickly mobilized to support the Government of Haiti in relief and recovery efforts, with many actors using cash as a preferred intervention modality. In many contexts worldwide, cash-based responses have proven to be an effective and efficient method of addressing the needs of disaster affected populations. Two years post-Matthew, international and local humanitarian institutions have lingering questions concerning what tangible lessons came from the hurricane response, and where the humanitarian sector needs to improve for the future. Mercy Corps, with funding from European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) has conducted an extensive review of lessons learned and contextual data, combined with key informant interviews and workshops to compile, analyze and present core lessons from the Hurricane Matthew cash-based response.